
The Board is committed to ensuring the Group has the effective controls in place which enable risk to be assessed and managed.

The principal governance rules applying to UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange are contained in The UK Corporate Governance Code, revised by the Financial Reporting Council in January 2024 (the ‘Code’). This report also includes the information that is required by the Financial Conduct Authority’s Listing Rules (‘LR’) to be contained in the Company’s annual report.

Board composition

The Board consists of:

  • A non-executive chair;
  • Four independent non-executive directors;
  • A non-executive director; and
  • Two executive directors – the chief executive and the chief financial officer.

Key Board responsibilities

The Board is responsible for establishing Rank’s purpose, values and strategy to delivery long-term sustainable success for the Company and generate value for shareholders. The directors place great importance on ensuring these key themes continue to be appropriate for the businesses and markets in which we operate, while being aligned with our culture.  The directors also remain cognizant of their duties under s172 of the Companies Act 2006.

The Board’s responsibilities include: 

  • Group strategy, objectives and policies;
  • General and long-term progress of the Group within the political, economic, environmental and social setting of the day;
  • Financial performance, annual budgets and business plans;
  • Major capital expenditure, acquisitions and divestments;
  • Annual and half-year financial results and interim management statements;
  • Board committees and their terms of reference;
  • Internal controls and risk management;
  • Safer gambling and ethical behaviour;
  • Sound governance, health and safety, and environmental policies;
  • Board and company secretary appointments;
  • Senior management structure, diversity, remuneration and succession; and
  • Investor relations.

Specific responsibilities are delegated to our five board committees:

  • Audit committee
  • ESG & Safer Gambling committee
  • Finance committee
  • Remuneration committee
  • Nominations committee

Read more on our Board

Find out more about our Committees

Find out more about the responsibilities of the Directors