Affordability profiling

Why do we carry out affordability profiling?

At Rank, we care about your wellbeing and want to ensure that you enjoy being entertained by us and play repsonsibly. We make sure our customers are not spending more than they can afford by undertaking some additional checks and enquiries. We value our relationship with you and hope that relationship is a safe and sustainable one.

We believe that as a responsible gambling company it is important to make additional enquiries to ensure that you are not spending more than you can afford. That is why we have put additional checks in place to help us, in protecting you.

How we use Profiling

We use the affordability check to help us put together a financial picture of our players and enable us to make sure we have appropriate protection in place. As this process is automatic and uses your personal data to assess your personal financial circumstances, it can be described as “profiling”.

How is the profiling done?

We use a company called TransUnion ( ), a “data processor” which specialises in assessing affordability. For more information about TransUnion’s activities please visit: The data processor puts together a financial profile by combining your personal data with data they already hold such as income ranges based on age, location and property data, for example. We will send information about you to TransUnion so that they can put together an affordability assessment which they will return to us. Please note that checks caried out by TransUnion will leave a search footprint but will not negatively impact your TransUnion credit score.

What information is sent to the processor?

Transunion will receive your name, address and date of birth as well as a client identifier which we will assign to you.

What happens next?

The processor will combine all relevant data to produce an affordability profile which will be returned to us. We will then review this information against your profile. If there is any cause for concern, for example: your spending pattern is incompatible with your affordability profile, we may contact you for further information.

If your affordabililty profile matches the information we hold about you, we will continue to monitor the information in line with your site activity to ensure your spending levels remain appropriate. It is important for you to let us know if your circumstances change so that we can ensure any limits are still appropriate. Please note that we may suspend or end our relationship if we consider that it would be harmful to you, to continue.

Is the decision automated?

While we are using an automated process to produce an affordability profile, we do not consider it amounts to “automated decision making” as defined by law. This is because decisions are made by a member of staff. The affordability profile is a tool that is used as part of a review which is undertaken by a real person. We do not consider that any decision made after the affordability profile process, produce any legal effects or similarly significant effects.

Where do we get your personal data from?

When you register with us, we ask for your personal data as part of your registration process, such as your name, address and telephone number for example. Once you have entered your information, you are asked to read and confirm you have understood our Terms and Conditions, along with our Privacy Policy. It is at this point, that you enter a contract with us and agree that your personal data can be used for the purposes explained in those notices.

Who will carry out the checks?

We use a company called TransUnion ( ). We have put a contract in place for Transunion to carry out the affordability profiling only under our strict instructions. Transunion will at all times abide by the requirements of the relevant data protection laws and regulations. For more information on TransUnion’s activities please visit:

How long do you keep my data for?

Your data will be kept for the least amount of time necessary. Your personal data is normally removed after 7 years from the data you last deposited/played/accessed your account.

Is the processing legal?

In order for processing to be legal, we need to have a lawful reason to undertake the processing as set out in law. For the affordability profile, we process your data on the basis of “legitimate interest”. As a company regulated by the UK Gambling Commission and the Gibraltar Gambling Commission, we are required to take steps to protect vulnerable people from harm. It is for this reason that we undertake the additional affordability checks.

What are my rights?

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data. Our full Privacy Notice, available on our websites, contains further information on your rights. Please be aware that not all rights apply to the data that we hold, depending on the legal basis on which we hold it.

You can also request a copy of your rights through the post from our Data Protection Officer.

You have the right to object to your personal data being processed where the legal basis for doing so impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms. However, we may still be able to continue processing if we demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your rights and freedoms.

How can I access my personal data?

Full details on how you can access your personal data can be found in our privacy policy. Any request to access your personal data should be sent directly to us and not the processor.

Can I complain?

Please let us know if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information. To do this please contact our Data Protection Officer using the email address below or as provided in our privacy policies. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. More information about this is available on the ICO’s website

What if I have questions?

If you have any questions with regards to affordability profiling processing activities, please contact us by email at