Grosvenor venues

The UK’s largest multi-channel casino operator with 51 venues. The brand offers a range of casino table games, including roulette, blackjack, baccarat and poker as well as electronic roulette and gaming machines alongside bars, restaurants and broader entertainment experiences.

2023/24 Strategic KPIs

Strategic Pillar 1 – Provide a seamless and tailored experience

Percentage of Grosvenor venues customers that play with us online


Strategic Pillar 1 – Provide a seamless and tailored experience

Percentage of Grosvenor digital NGR from cross-channel customers


Strategic Pillar 3 – Continuously evolve our venues estate

Grosvenor venues NGR


Strategic Pillar 3 – Continuously evolve our venues estate

Grosvenor venues strategic investment


Strategic Pillar 3 – Continuously evolve our venues estate

Grosvenor venues Net Promoter Score


Strategic Pillar 5 – Build sustainable relationships with our customers

Grosvenor venues customer safer gambling feedback score


2023/24 Financial KPIs

LFL1 Net Gaming Revenue331.3305.09%
Rest of the UK223.2207.08%
Total Net Gaming Revenue331.3306.38%
Underlying2 LFL1 operating profit23.716.742%
Total profit/(loss)16.5(35.4)

1. Results are presented on a like-for-like (‘LFL’) basis which removes the impact of club openings, club closures, foreign exchange movements and discontinued operations.

2. Before the impact of separately disclosed items.