Our approach

To support effective Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) management, we established four key areas of focus: Customers, Colleagues, Environment and Communities. This structure is informed by our understanding of the material ESG risks and opportunities to the business.

Our key performance indicators in each of the four areas support performance reporting. We believe that the long-term success of our business is dependent upon how we manage non-financial matters, and a figure is therefore linked to executive remuneration, sharpening our focus on ESG-related performance.

We have a robust ESG governance framework. Overall responsibility for setting the Group’s ESG strategy sits with our Board of Directors, supported by the oversight and expertise of the ESG & Safer Gambling Committee.

Double materiality

Description of impact, risk or opportunity

A Actual: An impact, risk or opportunity that has occurred during the reporting period
P Potential: An impact, risk or opportunity that has not occurred during the reporting period

Impact or financial

I-O Inside Out: An impact to the environment or society
O-I Outside In: A risk or opportunity for the business’ finances

Materiality in the short term

An opportunity or a positive impact (Longer bar = more significance)
A risk or a negative impact (Longer bar = more significance)

Materiality trend

Stable: Materiality stays the same across the medium and/or long term
Decreasing: Materiality decreases across the medium and/or long term
Increasing: Materiality increases across the medium and/or long term
Issue Description of impact, risk or opportunity Impact or financial Materiality in the short term Materiality trend


Customer privacy & data security P Loss of personal data could result in prosecutions, financial penalties, and reputational damage. O-I
Customer privacy & data security P Cyber attacks can disrupt and cause considerable financial and reputational damage to the Group. O-I
Customer service A Deliver exciting and entertaining experiences to our customers. I-O
Customer service A High customer satisfaction results in higher NPS and positive reputational impact. O-I
Customer privacy & data security P Time taken to overcome serious incidents/disasters and resume normal operations can impact operations, customers and reputation. O-I
Safer gambling P Failure to adequately protect customers from gambling related harm could lead to regulator enquiries and reputational damage. O-I
Customer service A Changes in customer behaviour after pandemic, further exacerbated by cost of living challenges, results in declining visits to Mecca venues. O-I


Training & development P Extensive training and development opportunities resulting in increased employee satisfaction and valued employment opportunities. I-O
Employee engagement, management & reward P Poor employee value proposition resulting in poor employee satisfaction. I-O
Employee engagement, management & reward P Failure to be an employer of choice could result in recruitment challenges and increased attrition. O-I
Employee engagement, management & reward A Non-compliance with labour laws resulting in reputational damage. O-I
Employee engagement, management & reward P Tight job market or lack of awareness of the Rank brand could result in recruitment challenges and increased attrition. O-I
Training and development P Employees being able to develop their skills and experience results in better trained employees and improved performance. O-I


Emissions management & climate change adaptation P Failure to meet internal or external stakeholder climate-related expectations could impact reputation and relations. O-I
Emissions management & climate change adaptation A The release of GHG emissions to the atmosphere as a result of Group’s operations and across the entire value chain. I-O


Community impact A Creating positive outcomes for local communities through charitable initiatives and offering local employment opportunities. I-O


Regulatory compliance P Absence of regulatory/legislative change that fails to meet the needs of the consumers is risk to relevance of our proposition. O-I
Executive remuneration A Attractive renumeration package enables talent acquisition which drives business performance. O-I
Financial performance A Loss of banking debt facilities and/or clearing facilities could result in the Group being unable to meet its obligations as they become due. O-I
Financial performance A Continued cost and pricing pressures, together with changes to consumer behaviour, can impact trading performance. O-I
Regulatory performance P Failing to comply with existing regulatory, legislative, codes of practice and licensing conditions could increase risk of financial penalties or regulatory action. O-I
Financial performance P Risk of higher tax and duty cost as a result of new legislation, complexity of tax and duty regimes, government approach, and compliance and implementation. O-I